נראו לאחרונה
מדריך הכדורסל השלם לעונת 1998/99    מדריך הכדורסל השלם לעונת 1998/99
לפרטים נוספים
יש פה עוצמה, לא נכחיש זאת. פאבלו פריג'יוני או פריג'וני או פריוני - קם והלך. הזדמנות אגב להשחיז את האנגלית. וגם - סקולה וטלטוביץ' המומים.

"I will not comment anything about the game, so I will go straight to Spanish. I am not going to continue coaching the team. To tell you the truth, I feel very frustrated for not being able meet my own expectations and mainly, the expectations the club had for me. I am apologizing to our fans, the president and the entire organization because I am not being able to help my players play good basketball, and that is what hurts the most. I feel very responsible for this and I don't want to damage the club or my players. I would rather leave the team to a different coach. I am sure they will find a qualified coach who can help this group of players get out of this situation. My coaching staff tried to stop my decision, but they know how I am.

It hurts leaving the club in this situation and not matching its expectations, but I mainly feel bad because of my own expectations. I feel I am not able to improve the players individually and make them play good basketball collectively. This is the reality and our results are there. We can argue about a thousand things - a tough start, the calendar, injured players, but I don't like to use all those excuses. The truth is that the team is not in a good situation in the EuroLeague and it is soon enough for someone to step in and refresh their heads, take them out of this depression. I took the decision; there is no chance for me to stay. Once again, I apologize to the fans, who were excited about this project. I thank them for thinking I could do well, but I would rather leave soon so that the club has a margin to react, being early in the season. I haven't talked to the club yet, I am telling you first. I don't feel like carry on coaching the team, for all these reasons I just told you. It is a sad day for me but you get to learn when you are hit hard in life. I wish the players and the club to have someone more capable than me so that he finds the rhythm, as the club has a good group of players, someone with a different vision, a different energy to help them carry on."

שוטה הנבואה
ארועים לתאריך: 25/04/2024
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